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Motocross Bike Body working together?

Are your arms working with the bike or against it?  All the proper upper body movements over the bike begin with how you grip the bars.  Hand positioning is critical. There are two main hand positions. One is for braking and the other is for accelerating. These two hand positions will enable your upper body and the bike to become one. Your main foundation on the bike is your legs and core, not your arms. In order to make your body and the bike work together your arms should remain as loose as possible without coming off the bars. It’s kind of like holding a bird. You don’t want to let it go but you don’t want to crush it either. You usually don’t hold the bars, you mostly balance your body movements over the bars. Of course there are some times when you have to hold the bars, like when you’re accelerating hard or leaning far back while standing. But many times you can use the bars more for balance, rather then holding on with strength.

To understand the motocross bike body working together watch this motocross skills video.

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